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Honeybeast, who explore the boundaries of funk and funky pop and rock have enjoyed countless albums and hits. The 2014 track A legnagyobb hős (The Greatest Hero) was a particularly highlight, racking up 24 (!) million views.

Aida, the greatest hit of the Met's HD broadcast series, will now return in Michael Mayer's dazzling brand new staging, in which we will also proudly get to watch our own Judit Kutasi in the role of Amneris.

The BaHorKa Company respectfully asks you, its dearest passengers, to please start boarding so as not to miss this special service! The Comedy Express is waiting impatiently for the signal to depart. All children and adults on board should make themselves comfortable.

András Áron & the Black Circle Orchestra / HEY JUNE! Sold out
13 Event

András ‘Apey' Áron is one of the most well-known and most versatile songwriter-performers and bandleaders in Hungary. His name might be familiar from his work in the acclaimed, influential Hungarian rock and metal bands LAZARVS, Apey & the Pea, Trillion and - many years ago - Neck Sprain.

A belga Selah Sue az európai dalszerző-előadó színtér egyik legnépszerűbb figurája a 2010-es évek óta.

The overture to Berlioz's late opera Béatrice et Bénédict is an exciting and dynamic piece of music. Tchaikovsky's Violin Concerto is one of the most popular works of the 19th century: virtuosic and intimate at the same time.

The Choir of St John's College, Cambridge is an old acquaintance of ours, having already given two acclaimed Christmas concerts here at Müpa Budapest.

Az évad művésze, Snétberger Ferenc koncertsorozatának első estjére vadonatúj mű ősbemutatójával készül. Movements című háromtételes darabjában zeneszerzőként és virtuóz szólistaként is remekel.

The Amorf Ördögök began life as a high school band, before becoming one of the definitive groups of 21st century Hungarian pop music. The title of this concert - Minibár és a Celluxbetyár (Minibar and the Sellotape Bandit) - references the band's three album releases.

Note: this film is not about the Belgian royal family. The story presents us with a fictional king of Belgium (Nicolas III), who is visiting Istanbul when he learns that his country is disintegrating. His efforts to return home, however, are severely hampered by a solar storm that makes communications and air navigation impossible.

The singer, songwriter and producer Zsófia Szigeti released her first track in 2020 under the name of Solére, and quickly became a popular performer of contemporary Hungarian pop music. Her melodic, electronic pop music also found its way to radio, and her initial hits were followed by a 16-track debut album in 2022, IMA.

As a member of the Vienna Boys Choir, the young Austrian pianist Lukas Sternath got the chance to travel the world. After training in his home country, he is now studying with Igor Levit, who himself had the opportunity to introduce himself as a rising star eleven years ago.

At its World-Wide concert series held each year since 2013, Müpa Budapest has showcased the history of the cimbalom and the tárogató and the diverse range of genres they can be used in.

Kelemen Barnabás évtizedek óta a magyar és a nemzetközi zeneélet ünnepelt művésze, aki szólistaként és kamaramuzsikusként világszerte sikereket arat. Számos verseny győztese, játékát díjnyertes hanglemezek - köztük a Bartók Új Sorozat CD-i - örökítették meg.

Midnight in Paris (2011) - Being Woody Allen / Müpa Film Club Sold out
13 Event

In English, with Hungarian subtitles.
The discussions before and after the screening will be conducted in Hungarian.

Dávid Lamm has been on the lam. Which should come as no surprise. Who hasn't been affected by the 2020s and the dispiriting multitude of global catastrophes? A musician, at least, can find refuge in the world of sound. Lamm duly created a new project by the name of Skidaddle.

With this ticket supplement, you can meet the performers at a private VIP standing reception after the concert. The price includes a glass of champagne in the company of Maestro Domingo and the other performers.

A Müpa egyik nevezetességét, az orgonát mindenki megcsodálja, aki ellátogat a Bartók Béla Nemzeti Hangversenyterembe. Ezúttal azonban nemcsak a hangszer impozáns felépítésében és gazdag hangzásában gyönyörködhetnek, hanem havonta egy alkalommal az érdeklődők Fassang László orgonaművész vezetésével betekintést is nyerhetnek a hangszer „titkaiba”.

A Székely gate is a symbol of ancient power, faith, hope, belonging to God, a channel of communication between heaven and earth. Its three posts represent the unity of body, soul and spirit, and its carvings are symbols that render protection, grace and blessing.

Hall to Hall Sold out
13 Event

Take a look around Müpa Budapest, experience the virtual reality, visit the Ludwig Museum and enjoy lunch at a discount price at the P’Art Café and Bistro!

Eliades Ochoa's performance at Müpa Budapest is sure to be one of the most exciting concerts of 2024. Although the Cuban singer/guitarist has been a famous musician in his native country since the 1970s, it was only at the turn of the millennium that the wider world first encountered his name, thanks to the Wim Wenders documentary on the Buena Vista Social Club.

Solo Recital by Yuja Wang Sold out
13 Event

Works by Beethoven, Scarlatti and Shostakovich

Born in 1982, Dénes Krusovszky enjoyed one of the most successful starts to a career of any Hungarian writer in the 2000s. Today, he has grown into one of the most distinctive and definitive writers not just of his generation, but of contemporary Hungarian literature as a whole.

„Mesterember vagyok. Komponálás közben mindig gyaluforgácsszagot érzek a zongora mellett.” A 2023/24-es évad zeneszerzője, Orbán György fogalmazta meg ekként zeneszerzői hitvallását egy interjúban, arra utalva, hogy számára a zeneszerzés elsősorban munka és szolgálat, miként az 1800 előtti zeneszerzők számára is az volt.

The duo of singer and guitarist Soma Nóvé, well-known in Hungary from the bands Middlemist Red and Mordái, and Dániel Riederauer, an electronics and bass guitar player, first performed as Samurai Drive in 2019.

The world-famous Danish baritone Bo Skovhus probably secured his place in the hearts of the Müpa Budapest audience forever when, in a 2013 production of Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg, he was forced to take the stage while suffering from a painful knee problem, yet still managed to incorporate his resulting compromised ability to walk into his unforgettable portrayal.

In English, with Hungarian subtitles.
The discussions before and after the screening will be conducted in Hungarian.

How is it that our role models encourage us to achieve our goals? How do they help shape our personalities? Helping us answer these questions at this awards ceremony will be some inspiring journalists from Nők Lapja and other public figures. In store are some remarkable women, thought-provoking topics and unforgettable experiences.

A nibelung gyűrűjében beteljesedő gigantikus színházi előadás a Rajna hűvös mélyén kezdődött, a folyó kincsét őrző sellők játékával, s az őket csalódottan bámuló Alberich, a nibelung hasztalan vágyakozásával. A szánalmasan csúf és a vízben esetlenül mozgó lény elkeseredésében könnyű prédájává vált a világ feletti uralom vonzásának, és a szerelmet fennhangon elátkozva elrabolta a Rajna kincsét.


Az ajándékutalvány, a rendszerében használható fel az elérhető programokra (színház, koncert, fesztivál, sport) történő jegyvásárláskor.

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