
Bronx Tales: An evening of Jay Miller

Bronx Tales: An evening of Jay Miller

Jay Miller's storytelling event.
The Life and Time of Jay Miller
You can take the boy of the Bronx,
But you can’t take the Bronx out of the boy!
In his unique style of movement and the spoken…  több...

A oldalon jelenleg nincs aktuális előadás

Egy múltbeli eseményre kerestél. Kérjük, válogass aktuális kínálatunkból a keresőjében!

Utolsó előadás dátuma: 2023. április 22. szombat, 19:00

Storytelling event in English language.
Jay Miller's bio:
Born in 1949, Jay grew up in the Bronx, New York City and graduated
from the City University of New York, Staten Island.
He has dedicated his career to youth: in education, sports and the performing arts.
In 1978, he embarked in a new direction in the performing arts, specifically the art of mime.
He has studied with the 20th Century masters: Marcel Marceau, Stefan Niedzialkowski, Samuel Avital, Moni Yakim and Lavinia Plonka. (to name a few)
In his first performance, at the school he was teaching at in the Bronx,
he was observed by the director of Bronx Special education. For the next year, every Friday,
he performed for special children throughout NYC.
His unique style: integrating movement and the spoken word has captivated audiences on four continents. He has received support from arts councils, banks, schools and governments.
Jay has various performances for different audiences: schools, festivals, prisons, children's hospitals and public theaters.
In his 45th year of performing, he has begun a new phase: sharing his own life stories in "Bronx Tales."  
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