Concert, music

110 program

A belga Selah Sue az európai dalszerző-előadó színtér egyik legnépszerűbb figurája a 2010-es évek óta.

Everyone is welcome to come in colourful clothes, the programme is a mere 50 minutes in length (without an interval), and the audience sits in close proximity to the organist. Performing the May programme, the fourth instalment of the series, will be Péter Mekis, a representative of the younger generation.

The world-renowned composer/conductor who passed away recently at the age of 80 after being awarded the Kossuth Grand Prize this year, once said that "jazz is a fundamental element for me”. At this concert in memory of his life and work, in addition to an early piece of electronic music and a late choral work, we will hear compositions of his that are closely linked to the sounds of jazz and improv performed by prominent artists from the Hungarian jazz scene.

Az évad művésze, Snétberger Ferenc koncertsorozatának első estjére vadonatúj mű ősbemutatójával készül. Movements című háromtételes darabjában zeneszerzőként és virtuóz szólistaként is remekel.

After the success of Koyaanisqatsi, the American director Godfrey Reggio set out on the task of creating the rest of the Qatsi Trilogy.

„Mesterember vagyok. Komponálás közben mindig gyaluforgácsszagot érzek a zongora mellett.” A 2023/24-es évad zeneszerzője, Orbán György fogalmazta meg ekként zeneszerzői hitvallását egy interjúban, arra utalva, hogy számára a zeneszerzés elsősorban munka és szolgálat, miként az 1800 előtti zeneszerzők számára is az volt.

It was in 1982 that the experimentally minded American director Godfrey Reggio created his film Koyaanisqatsi, which went on to gain cult status among audiences receptive to new concepts.

Since their formation in 2016, Slow Village - who feature three MCs and two DJs and perform old-school yet never anachronistic hip-hip - have reached the point where they can perform as a headliner in any club in Hungary and also make the night-time slots at summer festivals.

Whiplash in Concert Sold out
13 Event

The divisive film Whiplash, depicting the often merciless world of a New York jazz school, premiered at the 2014 Sundance Film Festival, where it received several awards - and more recently it has been voted the best film in the festival's history.

Dávid Lamm has been on the lam. Which should come as no surprise. Who hasn't been affected by the 2020s and the dispiriting multitude of global catastrophes? A musician, at least, can find refuge in the world of sound. Lamm duly created a new project by the name of Skidaddle.

With this ticket supplement, you can meet the performers at a private VIP standing reception after the concert. The price includes a glass of champagne in the company of Maestro Domingo and the other performers.

The Amorf Ördögök began life as a high school band, before becoming one of the definitive groups of 21st century Hungarian pop music. The title of this concert - Minibár és a Celluxbetyár (Minibar and the Sellotape Bandit) - references the band's three album releases.

András ‘Apey' Áron is one of the most well-known and most versatile songwriter-performers and bandleaders in Hungary. His name might be familiar from his work in the acclaimed, influential Hungarian rock and metal bands LAZARVS, Apey & the Pea, Trillion and - many years ago - Neck Sprain.

The singer, songwriter and producer Zsófia Szigeti released her first track in 2020 under the name of Solére, and quickly became a popular performer of contemporary Hungarian pop music. Her melodic, electronic pop music also found its way to radio, and her initial hits were followed by a 16-track debut album in 2022, IMA.

The world-famous Danish baritone Bo Skovhus probably secured his place in the hearts of the Müpa Budapest audience forever when, in a 2013 production of Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg, he was forced to take the stage while suffering from a painful knee problem, yet still managed to incorporate his resulting compromised ability to walk into his unforgettable portrayal.

A nibelung gyűrűjében beteljesedő gigantikus színházi előadás a Rajna hűvös mélyén kezdődött, a folyó kincsét őrző sellők játékával, s az őket csalódottan bámuló Alberich, a nibelung hasztalan vágyakozásával. A szánalmasan csúf és a vízben esetlenül mozgó lény elkeseredésében könnyű prédájává vált a világ feletti uralom vonzásának, és a szerelmet fennhangon elátkozva elrabolta a Rajna kincsét.

Wagner: A walkür / BUDAPESTI WAGNER-NAPOK Sold out
13 Event

The second evening of the Ring of the Nibelung tetralogy is the most popular of the four works: Die Walküre captivates audiences with deservedly beloved opera hits like Siegmund's Spring Song from Act 1 and, from the third act, the Ride of the Valkyries, as well as Wotan's Farewell and the Magic Fire Music.

There can hardly be imagined in our time a work that conveys a more important message to humanity, as it debates the possible fate of the earth, about threats to the natural environment than Götterdämmerung does. Perhaps there is still time for us to return the ring to the Rhinemaidens.

The first edition of Jazz Side Story led to two consecutive sold-out shows at the Festival Theatre in 2018. Now, Nikoletta Szőke, Bálint Gájer and their musical associates are raising the stakes.

With a personal approach yet also a passion that is obvious to all, Orsi Kozma will perform songs from Hungarian pop divas that have played a decisive role in both her own development and the formation of her musical tastes.

This two-part concert will present the finest and most diverse aspects of the Belgian jazz scene. The Brussels Jazz Orchestra, Belgian's leading big band, will be uniting its powers with the superb saxophonist Philip Catherine, outstanding guitarist Bert Joris and the distinctive singer David Linx to wow the audience as they perform a programme compiled especially for the Bridging Europe festival.

A kongói-belga származású Marie Daulne Belgiumban alapította Zap Mama nevű zenekarát, és lett vele a világzenei színtér egyik korai sztárja.

The essence of Gaïsha can perhaps best be described as Arab music with subtle shades of psychedelia, rap, and a Belgian twist.

Hungarian audiences may already be familiar with the belligerents of TaxiWars.

The BaHorKa Company respectfully asks you, its dearest passengers, to please start boarding so as not to miss this special service! The Comedy Express is waiting impatiently for the signal to depart. All children and adults on board should make themselves comfortable.

The subject matter is far from the only thing that promises to make this performance of Offenbach's last work for the stage so fantastic, as we will get to hear some wonderful singers when Bartlett Sher's captivating 2009 production of Tales of Hoffmann returns to the Met's series of HD transmissions.

The subject matter is far from the only thing that promises to make this performance of Offenbach's last work for the stage so fantastic, as we will get to hear some wonderful singers when Bartlett Sher's captivating 2009 production of Tales of Hoffmann returns to the Met's series of HD transmissions.

The conflict between the possibilities offered by modern military technology and the eternal fundamental ethical questions, drone strikes and the accompanying emotional and spiritual burdens: these are the themes at the centre of George Brant's 2012 drama Grounded.


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