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2838 program

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Piano Recital of Balázs Fülei

This full-evening "crime story" of a dance drama takes as its starting point Barcsai's Lover, one of the most estimable of Hungary's balladic treasures. After cuckolding her husband, a wife awaits a terrible punishment. But how did things actually get to this point?

Sándor Csoóri is primarily known in the Hungarian collective memory for his political activity during the 1980s and the subsequent fall of Communism. Yet Csoóri is also an integral part of the era's literary history.

Le Trio Joubran was founded by the Joubran brothers after Samir, the elder sibling, outgrew his solo career. The popular five-person Palestinian group, who are making their Müpa Budapest and Hungarian debut, released their first album in 2005, and have long enjoyed deserved acclaim on the world music scene.

The Hungarian State Folk Ensemble's nativity programme counts down to the night of the birth of Jesus, with scenes that are sometimes comic and other times heart-warming.

Georg Friedrich Händel – Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Oratorio in three parts, in Hungarian, with Hungarian and English subtitles

A mesékből ismert rengetegben nagyon sokféle állat él. A történetünk szereplői mind emberi tulajdonságokkal rendelkeznek, s ennek köszönhetően egy apró félreértésből hatalmas kalamajka keveredik.

J.S. Bach: 5. Brandenburgi verseny
H. Schütz: Weihnachtshistorie

Különleges, látványos koncerttel várja Balázs János, Vigh Andrea és a Jakobi Koncert Kft. a zenerajongókat a Karácsonyi Koncertre, amely 1999 óta évente a karácsonyi ünnepeket megelőző napokban kerül megrendezésre a Zeneakadémia Nagytermében.

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
PARÁZSFUVOLÁCSKA – The Magic Flute for Children
Fairy-tale Singspiel in two parts, in Hungarian, with Hungarian and English surtitles

Sena Dagadu has been a key figure on the Hungarian pop scene for the best part of 20 years. Though the Hungarian-Ghanian singer has achieved her greatest success as a front person for Irie Maffia, she has also enjoyed a significant solo career.

In Hungarian, without subtitles

The discussions before and after the screening will be conducted in Hungarian.

4 900 Ft
MET 2024/2025 - W. A. MOZART - A VARÁZSFUVOLA (IFJÚSÁGI ELŐADÁS, 2006) Buy tickets
13 Event

Mozart: Die Zauberflöte
Operaközvetítés a New York-i Metropolitan Operából szünet nélkül, felvételről, 112 perc, 2006
angol nyelven, magyar felirattal

Megújult műsorral, új fellépőkkel térnek vissza az Illúzió Mesterei Balatonfüredre!

At their Müpa Budapest concert, they will play both ballads and more up-tempo songs, a total of twenty-four of their greatest hit, like they have never been heard before: in an acoustic, chamber music arrangement accompanied by two vocalists and a piano, violin, cello and flute.

100 musicians play at the same time on the grand concert, performing popular melodious tunes while the audience is tasting selected outstanding wines of Hungarian wineries.

Három lány életre szóló barátságának története, az iskolától a búcsúig. Életmese Párizsban, ami évtizedeket ölel át. A kisgyerekkor, a felnőtté válás, az elmagányosodás jelenik meg a nők találkozásai során, felvetve a kérdést: "jól éltük az életünket?"

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