
Count of Luxemburg

Count of Luxemburg

Count of Luxemburg
Ferenc Lehar

Nincs aktuális előadás

Ön egy múltbeli eseményre keresett rá. Kérjük, válogasson aktuális kínálatunkból a keresőjében!

Last event date: Sunday, May 17 2020 7:00PM

The Count of Luxembourg is one of the most entertaining tales in the history of operetta, about a wealthy, senile old man, Sir Basil who's enamoured with Angéle Didier, the celebrated actress, who in turn cares more for penniless young artists. Chief of them René, who has recently found out that he is the count of Luxembourg, and proceeds to sell the title to Sir Basil in the form of a marriage of convenience… The surprises, intrigues and passionate conflicts, the witty and hilarious dialogues of this story are tied together by the evergreen melodies of Lehár, and before the inevitable happy ending, we'll hear songs such as ‘Rootsie-Pootsie' and ‘I am in Love.' The performance is a co-production of the Budapest Operetta Theatre, the Kaposvár Csiky Gergely Theatre, directed by Somogyi Szilárd, choreographed by Barta Viktória, with set design by Túri Erzsébet and costume design by Cselényi Nóra.

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