The Visit
tragic comedy
Based on the translation of Imre Kurdi the adaptation for Vígszínház Budapest was made by: Hilda Hársing and Péter Rudolf
tragic comedy
Based on the translation of Imre Kurdi the adaptation for Vígszínház Budapest was made by: Hilda Hársing and Péter Rudolf
It’s still a mystery, why this small town with great assets in the middle of Europe went bankrupt. The factories closed one after the other, the popular holiday resort is empty, already the bells of the cathedral had been embargoed by the enforcers. The streets are dirty and abandoned, the citizens vegetate from unemployment benefit for years, while the country and whole Europe is blooming. At this moment Claire Zachanassian, the billionaire woman who is well known for her charity work, announces, that after forty years she is going to visit her hometown. It is very highly hoped, that she is going to save the town, and Claire is willing to do so, she only has one condition…
A romantikus történetben egy fiatal japán gésa, Cso-cso-szán őszinte, tiszta szerelme elevenedik meg egy amerikai tengerésztiszt, Pinkerton iránt. Házasságuk kedvéért,…
Komédia a köbön! Egy falrengető vígjáték, amely színpadon és filmen egyaránt nagy sikereket aratott!
KONCERTSHOW AZ EREDETI SZEREPLŐKKEL Janza Kata | Szabó P. Szilveszter | Földes Tamás | Dolhai Attila | Bálint Ádám |…
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