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The essence of Gaïsha can perhaps best be described as Arab music with subtle shades of psychedelia, rap, and a Belgian twist.

In Hungarian, without subtitles The discussions before and after the screening will be conducted in Hungarian.

One of the most celebrated organists of our time, Latvia's Iveta Apkalna trained in England and Germany after studying in her homeland, and today her playing captivates audiences all over the world. As far as Gábor Boldoczki is concerned, it is sufficient to say that he is one of the top trumpet players on the planet: a universal artist.

If you only mention the title Fehérlófia (Son of the White Mare) to a Hungarian, they will likely start listing the familiar characters in their head: Fanyűvő, Kőmorzsoló, Vasgyúró, and of course the delightfully named Hétszűnyű Kapanyányimonyók. But who are these mysterious figures, whose names speak to the child inside us all?

If there was one true Hungarian blockbuster in the 1970s, then Johnny Corncob was undoubtedly be it. At just 32 years of age, Marcell Jankovics touched on one of the most important topics in Hungarian cultural history.

A jazz New Orleansban nevelkedett, ahol idősebb testvére, Blues is, akitől igen sokat tanult. Ahogy fejlődtek, cseperedtek, kiderült, hogy a két testvér sok mindenben különbözik egymástól. Blues általában szomorú és panaszosan énekel. Jazz vidám, játékos, és nem tűri a kötöttségeket. Mindig valami újat akar, és egyre több játékszert gyűjt maga köré..

In how many ways can this brave new world go wrong? Led by the pigs, the animals in an English farm rise up, drive away the people that had enslaved them and create their own state.

Kelemen Barnabás évtizedek óta a magyar és a nemzetközi zeneélet ünnepelt művésze, aki szólistaként és kamaramuzsikusként világszerte sikereket arat. Számos verseny győztese, játékát díjnyertes hanglemezek - köztük a Bartók Új Sorozat CD-i - örökítették meg.

Imre Kőszegi's timing remains impeccable. In December, he will turn 80. And, of course, his bandmates can always count on his flawless rhythm. The second president of the Hungarian Jazz Federation is an irrepressibly energetic musician.

It hardly needs saying that if someone makes an animation film for adults, even in 1979, when Bubble Bath was made - a few years after the explosive success of Mattie the Goose-boy and Johnny Corncob - it is far from clear whether it would be capable of exploring current social issues.

With a personal approach yet also a passion that is obvious to all, Orsi Kozma will perform songs from Hungarian pop divas that have played a decisive role in both her own development and the formation of her musical tastes.

LAKVAR was founded by two versatile musicians, the Hungarian-Bulgarian singer-songwriter and percussionist Hajnalka Péter, and the Georgian songwriter, guitarist and panduri player Zura Dzagnidze. Their album Fiction and Folklore, which was released last year, features a reappraisal of Balkan, Caucasus and Central European traditions blended with elements of jazz, pop and rock music.

Dávid Lamm has been on the lam. Which should come as no surprise. Who hasn't been affected by the 2020s and the dispiriting multitude of global catastrophes? A musician, at least, can find refuge in the world of sound. Lamm duly created a new project by the name of Skidaddle.

"God exists, and he lives in Brussels.” This bold assertion is what sets Belgian director Jaco Van Dormael's film in motion.

As a member of the Vienna Boys Choir, the young Austrian pianist Lukas Sternath got the chance to travel the world. After training in his home country, he is now studying with Igor Levit, who himself had the opportunity to introduce himself as a rising star eleven years ago.

The Hungarian State Folk Ensemble's nativity programme counts down to the night of the birth of Jesus, with scenes that are sometimes comic and other times heart-warming.

This full-evening "crime story" of a dance drama takes as its starting point Barcsai's Lover, one of the most estimable of Hungary's balladic treasures. After cuckolding her husband, a wife awaits a terrible punishment. But how did things actually get to this point?

In this rich visual show, the young artist of the National Theatre, Péter Herczegh brings the poet's spirit to life. The poet who, in the words of Zoltán Zsuráfszky, "will always remain a comet, a genius, who shows the way with his revolutionary spirit, his soul, his poems.”

Adventure-filled dance drama inspired by István Fekete's novel The Testament of Aga Koppanyi

In English, with Hungarian subtitles. The discussions before and after the screening will be conducted in Hungarian.

A BBC Magazine ötcsillagos lemezkritikája szerint „intenzív kifejezéssel és roppant melegséggel” játszik tavaly megjelent debütáló albumán a muzikalitásával és színpadi jelenlétével is magával ragadó Matilda Lloyd, aki számos koncertje mellett mesterkurzusokat tart, podcast-sorozatot vezet, és Afrikában jótékonykodik.

When Rossini died in 1868, Verdi urged his compatriots to compose a requiem in memory of the departed master, with each composer taking on a single movement.

With this ticket supplement, you can meet the performers at a private VIP standing reception after the concert. The price includes a glass of champagne in the company of Maestro Domingo and the other performers.

Tamás Molnár returns to the stage of the Festival Theatre with intimate acoustic songs, hits evoking a true festival atmosphere, cinematic musical techniques and an amazing stage show.

The popular folk-rock band MORDÁI, which was founded by Soma Nóvé - who made his name with the group Middlemist Red - feeds on the bedrock of experimental Hungarian folk music of the 1960s and 70s, boldly reconceptualising folk songs and well-known melodies with jazz motifs and elements of improvisation.


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