Search: magyar kupa

Műsor: P. I. Csajkovszkij: Rómeó és Júlia - nyitányfantázia S. Rachmaninov: 2. (c-moll) zongoraverseny, Op. 18 Rentaro Taki - Atsuro Kono: Négy évszak japán és magyar meglepetés darabok

How can you tell a story to children that is full of historical references and where a young boy beats up an old man three times over? Attila Dargay asked himself this very question. His response would become one of the most popular Hungarian animation films of all time.

If there was one true Hungarian blockbuster in the 1970s, then Johnny Corncob was undoubtedly be it. At just 32 years of age, Marcell Jankovics touched on one of the most important topics in Hungarian cultural history.

In how many ways can this brave new world go wrong? Led by the pigs, the animals in an English farm rise up, drive away the people that had enslaved them and create their own state.

In Hungarian, without subtitles The discussions before and after the screening will be conducted in Hungarian.

In Hungarian, without subtitles The discussions before and after the screening will be conducted in Hungarian.

If you only mention the title Fehérlófia (Son of the White Mare) to a Hungarian, they will likely start listing the familiar characters in their head: Fanyűvő, Kőmorzsoló, Vasgyúró, and of course the delightfully named Hétszűnyű Kapanyányimonyók. But who are these mysterious figures, whose names speak to the child inside us all?

It hardly needs saying that if someone makes an animation film for adults, even in 1979, when Bubble Bath was made - a few years after the explosive success of Mattie the Goose-boy and Johnny Corncob - it is far from clear whether it would be capable of exploring current social issues.

Adventure-filled dance drama inspired by István Fekete's novel The Testament of Aga Koppanyi

The Hungarian State Folk Ensemble's nativity programme counts down to the night of the birth of Jesus, with scenes that are sometimes comic and other times heart-warming.

Ismerd meg közelebbről a képzőművészetünk remekeit, a Magyar Nemzeti Galéria történetét, és gyönyörködjünk együtt a Budavári Palota kupolájából elénk táruló lélegzetelállító kilátásban!

This full-evening "crime story" of a dance drama takes as its starting point Barcsai's Lover, one of the most estimable of Hungary's balladic treasures. After cuckolding her husband, a wife awaits a terrible punishment. But how did things actually get to this point?

In this rich visual show, the young artist of the National Theatre, Péter Herczegh brings the poet's spirit to life. The poet who, in the words of Zoltán Zsuráfszky, "will always remain a comet, a genius, who shows the way with his revolutionary spirit, his soul, his poems.”

With a personal approach yet also a passion that is obvious to all, Orsi Kozma will perform songs from Hungarian pop divas that have played a decisive role in both her own development and the formation of her musical tastes.

A musicalben árva gyerekek egy csapata kószál a háborús front kellős közepén. Egy békés hajlékra vágynak, ahová behúzódhatnak éjszakára. És természetesen egy jó falatra. Ha nem kapnak ételt, akkor elcsenik maguk. De ugyan ki tudna haragudni rájuk? Csak túl akarják élni a háborút. Ma, amikor milliók kényszerültek elhagyni otthonukat, ez is döbbenetesen ismerős üzenet.

A 60-minute tour starts every day at 13:30, 15:00 and 16:30 in English. To request a tour in other languages (Italian, Spanish, German, French and Hungarian), please get in touch with the OperaTour team. Please note that the auditorium is closed for visits during rehearsals. Guided tours are not available during performances.

Giuseppe Verdi AIDA Opera in three parts, four acts, in Italian, with Hungarian, English, and Italian subtitles

A történet egy fiktív esemény kereteiben játszódik. A keserédes előadás olykor kacagtató, mégis húsbavágóan aktuális kérdéseket feszeget a hovatartozásról, a hazáról, a hontalanságról, művészetről, szerelemről, a sikerről és a hatalomról.

Giuseppe Verdi UN BALLO IN MASCHERA Opera in three parts, in three acts, in Italian, with Hungarian, English, and Italian subtitles

Giuseppe Verdi UN BALLO IN MASCHERA Opera in three parts, in three acts, in Italian, with Hungarian, English, and Italian subtitles

Giacomo Puccini LA FANCIULLA DEL WEST (THE GIRL OF THE GOLDEN WEST) Opera in three acts, in Italian, with Hungarian, English, and Italian subtitles

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart LE NOZZE DI FIGARO Comic opera in four acts, in Italian, with Hungarian, English, and Italian subtitles

Giuseppe Verdi OTELLO Opera in two parts, four acts, in Italian, with Hungarian, English, and Italian subtitles

Geszti Péter – Monori András – Tasnádi István: Ezeregy éjszaka worldmusical

3 nő 1-1 életszakaszban vagy 1 nő 3 életszakaszban? Játsszunk! Az életünkkel!

A Honvéd Férfikar a férfikari zeneirodalom egyik legtermékenyebb időszakát, a német romantikát közelíti meg Hoffmeister, Schubert, Mendelssohn, Schumann, Rheinberger, Wolf, Reger, Cornelius, Brahms, Weber és Wagner kompozíciókkal.

Erzsébet Szőnyi THE STUBBORN PRINCESS Children's opera in two acts in Hungarian


Az ajándékutalvány, a rendszerében használható fel az elérhető programokra (színház, koncert, fesztivál, sport) történő jegyvásárláskor.

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