Event listings

2829 program

Művészeti élmények az egészséges személyiségfejlődés szolgálatában – Freund Tamás előadása

Bach and Mendelssohn – a fascinating pair in music history. Despite being born 59 years after the death of the brilliant Baroque composer, Mendelssohn, as a great director, placed them in a kind of master-student relationship. This unique connection allowed young Mendelssohn to rediscover the almost forgotten genius, to train himself by studying his works, and then to use his own success and popularity to introduce the works of the composer considered to be the greatest of all to the audience of his time.

up to -20%
Concertino: Purcell, Françaix, Britten Buy tickets
13 Event


Pongrác Kacsóh
Singspiel in three parts, in Hungarian, with Hungarian and English subtitles

up to -20%
Takemicu, Tower, Gubajdulina, Ligeti, Cage, Connesson Buy tickets
13 Event

Six composers, six pieces, sixty-six years, but nothing diabolical. In fact, several aspects of the season’s only performance to be hosted at the BMC will direct the audience’s gaze skywards towards the heavens. We may rightfully label the evening a contemporary concert, although only one of the pieces on the program, featuring works composed between 1940 and 2006, was written after the turn of the millennium.

up to -30%
OpMAURICE RAVEL + Open rehearsal room 2 Buy tickets
13 Event

Chamber concert by artists of the Hungarian National Philharmonic

We pay tribute to the French impressionist composer one day after his 150th birthday by celebrating the influence he had on his contemporaries and on the generation that followed him.

Ferenc Erkel
Opera three acts, in Hungarian, with Hungarian and English subtitles
The text and musical material for the production have been created using both the original and the baritone versions

up to -25%
Magyar Állami Népi Együttes - Hajnali Hold Buy tickets
13 Event

A Magyar Állami Népi Együttes előadása a Kárpát-medence néphagyományait (néptánc, népköltészet, népzene) feldolgozó, a női princípiumot a figyelem középpontjába állító, a „rítusokat felemlegető” táncszínház.

Prima donnas
Festive gala concert with Hungarian and English surtitles

up to -30%
13 Event

Pászti season ticket 2

oratorio in German

In addition to singing the title role in Tosca, Lise Davidsen, one of the biggest stars of the Met's 2024/25 season, will also appear in the series of worldwide broadcasts as the husband-liberator Leonore in Fidelio.

4 900 Ft
MET 2024/2025 - Ludwig van Beethoven: Fidelio Buy tickets
13 Event

Élő operaközvetítés a New York-i Metropolitan Operából egy szünettel, 185 perc, 2025
német nyelven, magyar és angol felirattal

In addition to singing the title role in Tosca, Lise Davidsen, one of the biggest stars of the Met's 2024/25 season, will also appear in the series of worldwide broadcasts as the husband-liberator Leonore in Fidelio.

Sir Kenneth MacMillan / Jules Massenet / Martin Yates
Ballet in three acts

Lehár Ferenc, Kálmán Imre, Szirmai Albert legszebb dalai, kuplé és kabaréjelenetek, a Szenes embertől a Marica grófnőig, prózák – zene – ének – tánc – humor. A kabaréjelenetek mellett gyönyörű operett melódiákkal teszik felejthetetlenné az estét. Felcsendülnek a híres slágerek a Marica grófnő, a Csárdáskirálynő és a Mágnás Miska című operettekből,valamint a Csak egy tánc volt, a Jamaicai trombitás sem maradhat ki az estéből.

Világhírű bűvészek és az ország legjobb illuzionistái együtt, egy vadonatúj műsorban!

Charles Gounod
Opera in five acts, in French with Hungarian, English, and French subtitles

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