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élő komolyzenei koncert az Uránia színpadán, 90 perc, 2024

A Duna Szimfonikus Zenekar Őszi Uránia Bérlettel folytatja a 2024-es évadot.

Zenekarunk 2024 őszére is három koncertből álló bérlettel várja közönségét az Uránia Nemzeti Filmszínházba. A tavaszi teltházas, sikeres koncertek után újra várjuk Önöket izgalmas, klasszikus koncertprogramjainkkal.

„Nemzet, bármilyen kicsiny is, nem veszhet el, ha művészete van és ezért ki tud állni.” (A. Dvořák)

Bartók hat vonósnégyese hat kvartett előadásában, más szerzők társaságában

At its World-Wide concert series held each year since 2013, Müpa Budapest has showcased the history of the cimbalom and the tárogató and the diverse range of genres they can be used in.

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Sibelius Beethoven Lindberg Buy tickets
13 Event

A rarely performed suite, a classical concerto, a tribute to Bach, and the cornerstone of a symphonic oeuvre: evoking a Nordic air while occasionally stirring flames of passion, is what the concerto offers. The orchestra performs under the baton of BFO’s regular guest conductor, music director of the Deutsches Symphonie-Orchester Berlin and the Glyndebourne Festival Opera, Robin Ticciati.

The Icelandic keyboardist/composer Jóhann Jóhannsson, who died in 2018, was, alongside his compatriot, Ólafur Arnalds, and Nils Frahm and Joep Beving, one of the key figures of the contemporary classical pop music scene.

LAKVAR was founded by two versatile musicians, the Hungarian-Bulgarian singer-songwriter and percussionist Hajnalka Péter, and the Georgian songwriter, guitarist and panduri player Zura Dzagnidze. Their album Fiction and Folklore, which was released last year, features a reappraisal of Balkan, Caucasus and Central European traditions blended with elements of jazz, pop and rock music.

In each of their creative musical statements, the female performers who formed the group in Bamako ten years ago have spoken out for women's rights and the eradication of violence. Their rich, melodic music combines stylistic elements of pan-African traditions and contemporary pop songs.

Kabalevsky: Colas Breugnon – nyitány
Prokofjev: II. hegedűverseny
Csajkovszkij: V. szimfónia

up to -20%
Haydn–Mozart – 2 Buy tickets
13 Event


Wandering Gypsies leading adventurous lives and gallant yet ridiculous nobles abusing their power are the main characters of the animated film Szaffi. This adaptation of Mór Jókai's classic novel The Gypsy Baron is by now familiar to several generations of Hungarians.

The Hungarian word 'citera' and its English counterpart 'zither' both originate from the Greek word 'kithara', which was adopted by other European languages via Latin.

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Manó-koncert 2. Hangszerek ünnepe 24/25 Buy tickets
13 Event

Zenés ismeretterjesztő sorozat a Concerto Zeneházban a 3-10 éves korosztály számára

De profundis
Piano Recital of Balázs Fülei

Zemlényi Eszter – szoprán
Bakos Kornélia – alt
Megyesi Zoltán – tenor
Cser Krisztián – basszus

Budapesti Akadémiai Kórustársaság (karigazgató: Balassa Ildikó)
Nyíregyházi Cantemus Vegyeskar (karigazgatő: Szabó Soma)
Budafoki Dohnányi Zenekar
Vezényel: Hollerung Gábor

The Choir of St John's College, Cambridge is an old acquaintance of ours, having already given two acclaimed Christmas concerts here at Müpa Budapest.

It is no secret that Swedish double bass player Anders Jormin and American drummer Joey Baron are two of 2024/25 Artist of the Season Ferenc Snétberger's favourite musical partners.

The Hungarian State Folk Ensemble's nativity programme counts down to the night of the birth of Jesus, with scenes that are sometimes comic and other times heart-warming.

Georg Friedrich Händel – Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Oratorio in three parts, in Hungarian, with Hungarian and English subtitles

J.S. Bach: 5. Brandenburgi verseny
H. Schütz: Weihnachtshistorie

Különleges, látványos koncerttel várja Balázs János, Vigh Andrea és a Jakobi Koncert Kft. a zenerajongókat a Karácsonyi Koncertre, amely 1999 óta évente a karácsonyi ünnepeket megelőző napokban kerül megrendezésre a Zeneakadémia Nagytermében.

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