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906 program

Mendelssohn: Dalok szöveg nélkül (válogatás)
Chopin: Desz-dúr noktürn, op. 27, f-moll ballada, op. 52,
Wagner-Lugansky: 4 tétel az Istenek alkonya című operából
Wagner-Liszt: Izolda szerelmi halála

LAKVAR was founded by two versatile musicians, the Hungarian-Bulgarian singer-songwriter and percussionist Hajnalka Péter, and the Georgian songwriter, guitarist and panduri player Zura Dzagnidze. Their album Fiction and Folklore, which was released last year, features a reappraisal of Balkan, Caucasus and Central European traditions blended with elements of jazz, pop and rock music.

In each of their creative musical statements, the female performers who formed the group in Bamako ten years ago have spoken out for women's rights and the eradication of violence. Their rich, melodic music combines stylistic elements of pan-African traditions and contemporary pop songs.

Kabalevsky: Colas Breugnon – nyitány
Prokofjev: II. hegedűverseny
Csajkovszkij: V. szimfónia

Wandering Gypsies leading adventurous lives and gallant yet ridiculous nobles abusing their power are the main characters of the animated film Szaffi. This adaptation of Mór Jókai's classic novel The Gypsy Baron is by now familiar to several generations of Hungarians.

The Hungarian word 'citera' and its English counterpart 'zither' both originate from the Greek word 'kithara', which was adopted by other European languages via Latin.

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Manó-koncert 2. Hangszerek ünnepe 24/25 Buy tickets
13 Event

Zenés ismeretterjesztő sorozat a Concerto Zeneházban a 3-10 éves korosztály számára

De profundis
Piano Recital of Balázs Fülei

It is no secret that Swedish double bass player Anders Jormin and American drummer Joey Baron are two of 2024/25 Artist of the Season Ferenc Snétberger's favourite musical partners.

Georg Friedrich Händel – Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Oratorio in three parts, in Hungarian, with Hungarian and English subtitles

J.S. Bach: 5. Brandenburgi verseny
H. Schütz: Weihnachtshistorie

Különleges, látványos koncerttel várja Balázs János, Vigh Andrea és a Jakobi Koncert Kft. a zenerajongókat a Karácsonyi Koncertre, amely 1999 óta évente a karácsonyi ünnepeket megelőző napokban kerül megrendezésre a Zeneakadémia Nagytermében.

Sena Dagadu has been a key figure on the Hungarian pop scene for the best part of 20 years. Though the Hungarian-Ghanian singer has achieved her greatest success as a front person for Irie Maffia, she has also enjoyed a significant solo career.

At their Müpa Budapest concert, they will play both ballads and more up-tempo songs, a total of twenty-four of their greatest hit, like they have never been heard before: in an acoustic, chamber music arrangement accompanied by two vocalists and a piano, violin, cello and flute.

100 musicians play at the same time on the grand concert, performing popular melodious tunes while the audience is tasting selected outstanding wines of Hungarian wineries.

Ludwig van Beethoven – Gustav Mahler

The concerts of the versatile performer, songwriter and poet Tamás Szarka represent the very best of Hungarian culture, which nourishes the roots of his music. His performance style contains the ancient power of the ‘táltos', the Hungarian shaman, while he has been able to reinvent himself from album to album and concert to concert, always speaking to the people of today.

The Original Golden Voices of Gospel" hangszeres énekegyüttes
Dwight Robson afro-amerikai baptista tiszteletes zenekara a The Golden Voices of Gospel csapat összes tagja az USA-ból repül Európába ahol már sok éve rendszeresen koncertezik.

János Szemenyei – actor
Danubia Orchestra
Conductor and Host: Máté Hámori

A madárének az idők kezdetétől ihletforrást jelent minden muzsikus számára. Ifjúsági hangversenyünkön előbb Nagy Sándor József és Sütő Illés csellókettősét halljuk Vivaldi mély, megindítóan szép kettősversenyében. Ezután a neoklasszikus olasz zeneszerző, Ottorino Respighi különleges szvitje következik, amely 1928-ban született XVIII. századi zeneszerzők munkái nyomán. A hattyú, tyúk, csalogány és kakukk hangjait felvillantó briliáns munka Medveczky Szabolcs pálcája nyomán csendül fel.

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