
The first bastion - Pop-up exhibition on the hidden treasures of a fortress in two locations

The first bastion - Pop-up exhibition on the hidden treasures of a fortress in two locations

The unearthed heritage conservation site at 9 Táncsics Mihály Street is inviting visitors to participate in some exciting time travel until 31st October. The exhibition’s other venue at the Castle Museum focuses on the most beautiful items from the 1962 excavation and findings from everyday life.  Læs mere

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Last event date: Torsdag, 01. August 2019 19:00

Built in the 16th century, the Transylvanian Bastion and associated castle walls can be regarded as a long-hidden piece of the history of both Buda and Hungary. The walls and the pedestrian gateway with its drawbridge at the foot of the castle wall lay buried under a huge pile of rubble for more than two hundred years.

The objects and fragments discovered during the excavation work carried out by the Castle Museum in 2018 have been put on display in complementary exhibitions at two locations by the Museum and Várkapitányság Nonprofit Plc. Visitors to 9 Táncsics Mihály Street will find an exhibition about Hungary’s unique fortress and the excavated site of the Transylvanian Bastion, including some of the many archaeological findings. Visitors can travel back in time as they stroll along the 16th-century Buda Castle walls. The exhibition in the Budapest History Museum includes gold coins, Turkish coins, and various other finds. Both locations present a reconstruction of the Transylvanian Bastion, making the tour of the exhibition and archaeological site a memorable experience.

Ticket info:

Opening hours: 10 AM – 6 PM

Guided tours in Hungarian (every day): 11 AM, 12AM, 1 PM, 2 PM, 3 PM, 4 PM, 5 PM

Guided tours in English: 2:30 PM, 3:30 PM

Ticket information:

Full price: 900 Huf

Children ( between 6-14): 300 Huf

Student/ Retired: 600 Huf

Families: (2 adults and 1 children between 6-18): 1500 Huf + every children is + 300 Huf

Group (min. 15 adult ): 600 Huf/ person

Student group (between 10-30 student): 300 Huf/person

Admission is free for children under 6.


Combined tickets are valid to the exhibitions of the Budapest History Museum – Castle Museum.

Full price: 2400 Huf

Children/Student/ Retired: 900 Huf

Families: (2 adults and 1 children between 6-18): 4500 Huf + every children is + 900 Huf

Studegt/Retired group (between 10-30): 750 Huf/person

Admission is free for children under 6.

The combined tickets are valid for the Budapest History Museum within 3 days after purchase.


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