
Sub/Version – Outdoor Documentary Film Cinema, Beyond Utopia

Sub/Version – Outdoor Documentary Film Cinema, Beyond Utopia

Beyond Utopia (Madeleine Gavin, US, 2023, 107’)

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Last event date: Tuesday, May 07 2024 8:00PM

Sub/Version presents documentary films exploring the choices people make when striving to change their lives. Facing social injustice, political discrimination, or personal challenges, what strategies people choose – freeze, flee, or act to spur a change? Three moving films take you around the globe in search of answers.

A suspenseful look at the lengths people will go to gain freedom, Beyond Utopia follows various individuals as they attempt to flee North Korea, one of the most oppressive places on Earth, a land they grew up believing was a paradise. Leaving their homeland is fraught with danger — severe punishment if caught and possibly even execution — as well as potential exploitation by unscrupulous brokers. Family members who remain behind also may face retribution. Yet these individuals are driven to take the risk. Gripping, visceral, and urgent, Madeleine Gavin’s film embeds the viewer with these family members as they attempt their perilous escape, palpably conveying life-or- death stakes.

The films will be screened in English with Hungarian and English subtitles.

The programme is part of the Budapest Spring Festival, in cooperation with Verzio Documentary Film Festival and the Budapest Film Zrt.

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Az előadás arról szól, milyen hazugságban élni, hazugságban leélni egy életet, és milyen, ha ezt a hatalmi elit különféle rétegeinek való megfelelés kényszeríti ránk. (Kovács Bálint)

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