
Princely Deluxe Tour

Princely Deluxe Tour

It is an excellent program for everybody! The tour starts at the entrance of the museum, at the chocolate fountain. Every guest picks up a marzipan or chocolate ball, hold it under the flowing chocolate, Then eat it. In the Rákóczi Knight's Hall we take a view at the Rákóczi paintings and we taste a special Tokaji aszú raisin in…  Læs mere

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Last event date: Søndag, 15. November 2020 12:00

We take a walk together on the Square of the Chocolates, where you can see show-windows from the turn of the century, during this you can listen to some stories about chocolate and can taste chocolates.
We visit the Rákóczi Cellar. When we walk between bottles from the turn of the century we taste pálinka (special Hungarian brandy). Children and guests under the age of 18 get chocolates.
Visitors make their own, handmade chocolate, too. You receive a sweet cookie basket and hold it under the flowing chocolate, and fill it with that. Then you can spice it for example wit chili, colorful candies, cinnamon, coconut or rose petals. At the end of the tour you can take it home, it might be a perfect present for your family. Until the handmade chocolate becomes solid, everybody picks up a cup of fresh hot chocolate and have aseat in our Filmmuseum, where we show you the history of chocolate through an old movie. During the film there is an opportunity to taste more chocolates. After the film, your tour leader tells you further interesting information and stories related to chocolate, and if you have any questions, you can ask it.
We visit the authentic replica the of Stühmer Chocolate Shop , and you can buy the most famous chocolates of Europe in the modelshop.

After visiting of the modelshop, a princely, grandiose table waits for the visitors with candlelight in the Rákóczi Knighthall. You can choose from special teas and chocolates. We serve the speciality of the Museum, a brilliant freshly baked, hot, chocolate cake. Our adult guests can taste a Katalin’s day dessert wine, children receive chocolate.

The duration of the tour is about 2,5 hours.


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