


Dance, drink and take part in our awesome Party Ship event to have an unforgettable night.

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Last event date: Friday, November 22 2019 11:00PM

Bring the party spirit on the river and dance on our Party Ship! A unique opportunity no party-lover should miss while in Budapest.


Dance, drink and take part in our awesome Party Ship event to have an unforgettable night. We cruise a complete circle on the Danube, the river that connects 7 European countries and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and after 1 hour and 30 minutes of partying on the boat, we escort you to one of the best nightclubs downtown! You will also enjoy a welcome drink to make sure you start the night right.


The ticket includes a welcome drink on the ship, possibility to dance, latest music to party with DJ.


You can also admire the panorama from the open upper deck of the ship.


The program is available over 18 years.


Meeting Point: Danube Palace (Budapest H-1051, Zrínyi Street 5) it’s a yellow neo-baroque building on the corner of the 4Seasons Hotel. At the end of the street you will see the Basilica. There will be a board with the tour’s name outside and a person to greet you.


Meeting time: 22:30




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