
Women on the verge of a nervous breakdown

Women on the verge of a nervous breakdown

Women on the verge of a nervous breakdown
Jeffrey Lane - David Yazbek

Nincs aktuális előadás

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Last event date: Thursday, April 18 2019 7:00PM

The scene is Madrid, 1987. Pepa, the second-rate voice actress finds her life turned upside down when her lover, the aging Ivan declares that he is leaving her. But trouble never comes alone, and soon Pepa's best friend arrives to take refuge with her, after finding out her boyfriend Malik happens to be terrorist. And to complicate things even further, Ivan's ex-wife, the neurotic Lucia shows up, with her son and her son's fiancée in tow.

Pedro Almodovar broke into the cinematic profession in the 80ies with his first great success, Women on the Edge of Nervous Breakdown. This movie took home 25 different prizes, and almost immediately achieved cult film status. This uniquely unpredictable story shows us a cast of odd but lovable characters, its humour is irresistible and despite all its bitterness, it's full of joy. In this musical friends and enemies, countless women chase their happiness on foot or in taxis, in a world of chaotic advertisement shoots, tons of answering machine messages, and of course tranquilisers in the gazpacho. Temperamental Latin music and a truly Mediterranean atmosphere on-stage. The stage adaptation of this movie celebrating the female gender, featuring the Operetta Theatre's star actresses, will be performed at Átrium Film-Theatre for the first time ever in Hungary.

A musical "Women on the verge of a nervous breakdown" is presented by special arrangement under the Music Theatre International, (MTI) and THEATRUM MUNDI Theatrical and Literary Agency signed. The necessary materials are officially approved lecture MTI secured (421 West 54th Street, New York, NY 10019 - Phone: 212-541-4684 - Fax: 212-397-4684 -

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