
Macao Orchestra

Macao Orchestra

Born into a musical family in Shanghai, Lü Jia began studying piano and cello from his parents at a very young age. Under the instruction of renowned conductor Ms. Zheng Xiaoying, he graduated at the top of his class one year early, in 1987.  more

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Last event date: Sunday, September 20 2015 7:30PM

Two years later, he went to Germany’s Berlin University of the Arts, where he continued his studies under Professors Hans-Martin Rabenstein and Robert Wolf. Lü Jia was the first Chinese conductor ever to lead the Chicago Symphony Orchestra and to record the complete works of German composer Felix Mendelssohn. Opera has always played a special role in Lü Jia’s career. In Italy and Germany, homelands of the European opera tradition, he has directed nearly fifty operas. At present, Mr. Lü is the Artistic Director of the Symphony Orchestra of Tenerife in Spain, the Opera Director of the China National Opera House, as well as the Honorary Dean of Dalian Arts College. Since September of 2008, he is the Musical Director and Principal Conductor of the Macao Orchestra. For the past twenty-old years, the Macao Orchestra has played an important role in the musical life of Macao. The Orchestra has worked with dozens of internationally renowned musicians and conductors, among them Leonidas Kavakos, Iván Martín, Maria João Pires, Boris Berezovsky, Lang Lang and Joshua Bell.

Bruckner: Overture in G minor, WAB 98

Liszt: Piano Concerto No. 1 in E-flat major (S.124)

Bruckner: Symphony No. 6 in A major (WAB 106)

Conductor: Lü Jia

Macao Orchestra

Zhang Haochen (piano)

Organizer:Chinese Culture Association in Austria

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