
Kolonits Klára (ének) és Zsoldos Bálint (zongora) koncertje / BTF 2019

Kolonits Klára (ének) és Zsoldos Bálint (zongora) koncertje / BTF 2019

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Last event date: Sunday, April 07 2019 7:30PM

Liszt’s lieder


Ferenc Liszt was interested in the genre of the song throughout his life. He made arrangements from other composers’ works, and tried his hand at almost every vocal style of the 19th century, setting to music German, French, Italian, and Hungarian poems, among others. He wrote more than seventy lieder, and reworked some of them several times in the course of a long career. Alan Walker thinks the best pieces represent the “missing link between Schumann and Hugo Wolf.”

Both technically and as interpretative tasks, these works constitute considerable challenges for the singer, as well as the pianist. Klára Kolonits is a performing artist with a broad spectrum, and as a lied singer, she has been researching and performing lesser-known, but all the more exciting, pieces of the genre’s history for years. Pianist Bálint Zsoldos took a deeper interest in sung music during the years he spent in the USA, and recently created, with Klára Kolonits, a concert programme of the songs of Rachmaninoff.


Our offer

The famous symphony orchestra "Lords of the Sound" presents the musical program "The Music of Hans Zimmer", which encompasses the most famous compositions of the musical genius of our time, Hans Zimmer!

VIII. Henrik az angol történelem talán egyik legkülönösebb szereplője, aki nemcsak szélsőséges tetteinek lenyomatát hagyta az utókorra, hanem hat házasságának legendáját is.

Isten eljön hozzánk, mert nagyon sok mondanivalója van. Megosztja gondolatait az elmúlt néhány tízezer év történéseiről és tapasztalatairól, válaszol az időközben felmerült kérdésekre és bemutatja a projekt fejlesztésének további lépcsőit.

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