
Kobayashi 80. Verdi: Requiem - vezényel: Kobayashi Ken-Ichiro

Kobayashi 80. Verdi: Requiem - vezényel: Kobayashi Ken-Ichiro

Now it will be performed by the Hungarian National Philharmonic, with the collaboration of a team of leading vocal soloists and Tokyo's Musashino Choir, all under the baton of a legendary favourite of the Hungarian audience, Ken-Ichiro Kobayashi, who also directs the visiting ensemble.

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Last event date: Monday, May 04 2020 7:30PM

Marianna Váradi – soprano
Andrea Szántó – alto
Attila Fekete – tenor
István Kovács – baritone
Hungarian National Philharmonic Orchestra
Musashino Choir (choir director: Kobayashi Ken-Ichiro)
Conductor: Ken-Ichiro Kobayashi

As Hans von Bülow once commented, the Requiem is "Verdi" latest opera, albeit in ecclesiastical garb”. There is no disputing the work's theatricality, the dramatic character of its manner of expression – but this is also the work's virtue. The ageing master did not hold back even when setting the liturgical text to music, creating dramatic movements with amazing impact. Now it will be performed by the Hungarian National Philharmonic, with the collaboration of a team of leading vocal soloists and Tokyo's Musashino Choir, all under the baton of a legendary favourite of the Hungarian audience, Ken-Ichiro Kobayashi, who also directs the visiting ensemble.

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