
José González (VIP)  / BTF 2017

José González (VIP) / BTF 2017

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Last event date: Tuesday, April 04 2017 8:00PM

As part of the Budapest Spring Festival, one of the most loveable singer-songwriters of the current day and age, José González, will be presenting his latest album at the Akvárium. The Argentinean-Swedish González received acclaim and recognition the world over with the song entitled Heartbeat and has since been considered one of the most talented artists of the 21st century who only needs an acoustic guitar and his etheric voice to beguile crowds in the blink of the eye.

The new material entitled Vestiges & Claws comes after a seven-year hiatus and is distinguished in the way it marks a departure from his previous minimalist style and ventures into a more eccentric form of folk-rock. He'll be showcasing the new songs along with his greatest hits on 4 April in the Main Hall.

An event jointly organized with Akvárium Klub.

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