
2. Budapesti Nemzetközi Gitárfesztivál - Roberto Aussel  gitárművész (Argentína)

2. Budapesti Nemzetközi Gitárfesztivál - Roberto Aussel gitárművész (Argentína)

ROBERTO AUSSEL (Argentína) gitárművész szólóestje

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Last event date: Friday, November 04 2016 7:00PM

Born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Roberto Aussel began studying the guitar with Jorge Martinez Zarate when he was seven and gave his first concert six years later.  In 1975, two years before he moved to Paris, he won first prize there in Radio France's International Guitar Competition and first prize in both the Porto Alegre (Brazil) and the Alirio Diaz (Caracas, Venezuela) competitions.

Actively concerned with contemporary music, several composers have dedicated works to him: Marius Constant, Francis Kleynjans, Astor Piazzolla, Francis Schwartz and José Luis Campana. In 1981, Astor Piazzolla wrote his first five pieces for guitar for Roberto Aussel which he premiered at UNESCO in Paris. Since 1999 he is member of ARCEMA which is an organization of composers and interpreters of the highest level (many from "Ensemble Intercontemporain" of Pierre Boulez) who give masterclasses, conferences and premieres. In addition to this, Roberto Aussel has devoted much serious study to the interpretation of Baroque music.

He is frequently invited as the guest of honor to perform during various guitar competitions such as the International Guitar Competition in Paris as well as to premier new works during these events. He is invited to sit on international juries and to give master classes throughout the world. He was one of the three guitarists chosen by the French government to play during André Segovia's 90th birthday celebrations.

Performing in the important cities of Europe, Latin America, Japan, China and the United States, Aussel has been featured with the Philharmonic Orchestra of Radio France, l'Orchestre Colonne at the Salle Pleyel in Paris, the National Orchestra of Belgium, the BBC Orchestra of London and the Buenos Aires Symphony. His recitals include Wigmore Hall of London where he has twice been invited, the Concertgebouw of Amsterdam, the Belgrade Festival, Hong Kong's Cultural Center for the Arts and the Tokyo Bunka Kaikan Recital Hall.

From 1992 to 2002 Roberto Aussel's yearly U.S. tours included concerts and master classes at the Boston, New England, Peabody and San Francisco Conservatories. He has been invited to play for the Guitar Foundation of America series on several occasions and performed in such prestigious chamber music series as San Francisco Performances (twice), New York’s Frick Collection and the University of Michigan Musical Society.  

Since 2010 Roberto Aussel’s activities include a world premiere of Jose Luis Campana’s “Zeu” with the National Orchestra of Montpellier, France, a tour with the Buenos Aires Symphony Orchestra, and a four-concert tour with the Bretagne Symphony Orchestra performing the guitar concerto “Concierto del Sur” of Manuel Ponce. In 2013 he was invited to be on the jury of two Spanish competitions, the Coria International Guitar Competition, and the 28th International Guitar Competition of Benicasim as well as the first International Guitar Competition of Adrasan, Turkey. His performances include concerts at international festivals in Chile, France, Switzerland, Spain, Portugal and Germany and Russia.  He also performs in various chamber music series in France, Germany, Greece and Brussels. In 2014 he will perform in Bonn, Moscow, Alicante, Brussels, Paris (with the Ensemble Arcema) and Stockholm.

Since 1994 Roberto Aussel is professor at the Cologne Conservatory.


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