
HAYDN OUT, MUSE IN -múzsadilemmák- koncertszínházi képek

HAYDN OUT, MUSE IN -múzsadilemmák- koncertszínházi képek

There is a genius, who happens to be a man, wandering in a world of feudal helplessness.
But what role can a genius play in this world if he happens to be a woman?
Can she only take part as a muse, an object of desire?…  more

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Ön egy múltbeli eseményre keresett rá. Kérjük, válogasson aktuális kínálatunkból a keresőjében!

Last event date: Thursday, May 16 2024 7:00PM

Haydn's figure is shrouded in legend - his oeuvre could be a symbol of the unprocessable and of enigmas.  Our performance will question the clashes between genius and the outside world, and the conflicting roles of the female figures in Haydn's life.

Reflecting the main profile of Metrum Ensemble Trio+, the production combines classical music and theatre with dance and projection. In addition to compositions by Haydn, J. Dunstable, J. S. Bach, Ádám Kondor and P. Boulez, the performance will include excerpts from Péter Esterházy's drama 33 Versions on Haydn's Skull, Kinga Tóth's poetry cycle All Machine and texts by the creators of the performance.

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