
Dunai hajózás koktéllal vagy sörrel

Dunai hajózás koktéllal vagy sörrel

There’s no better way to explore the beauty of Budapest than cruising on the Danube while having a cold, refreshing drink!

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Our ’Cocktail & Beer Ship’ offers a unique experience with breathtaking views of the UNESCO World Heritage Sites of Budapest while you enjoy an ice cold Hungarian beer or a cocktail on our air-conditioned ship! We have non-alcoholic options available as well!
The cruise lasts 1 hour 30 mins, and our bar is open for further cocktails and other beverages at a fair price!Enjoy an unforgettable afternoon cruise while discovering Budapest in a fun and relaxing way!

One ticket includes either 3 beers (0,5dl) or 2 of the cocktails from below:
Pina Colada 
Havana beach
Jamaica Sunday
Cape Cod
Sex on the beach
Blue Hawaiian
Fruit tingle
Bacardi Cola
Sea Breeze
Pedro Collins
Meeting point: Danube Palace (Duna Palota), 1051 Budapest, Zrínyi Street 5.
Meeting time: 15:30

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