
FrenÁk Társulat: Secret Off_Man / BARTÓK TAVASZ 2022

FrenÁk Társulat: Secret Off_Man / BARTÓK TAVASZ 2022

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Ön egy múltbeli eseményre keresett rá. Kérjük, válogasson aktuális kínálatunkból a keresőjében!

Last event date: Saturday, April 09 2022 7:00PM

Performed by: Anibal Dos Santos, Fanni Esterházy, Emma Lőrincz, Erika Vasas, Eoin Mac Donncha, Milán Maurer, Patrik Keresztes


Music: Gábor Halász, Máté Hunyadi

Production design: Victoria Frenák

Set: Péter Kiss, Szabolcs Molnár

Costumes: Mariann Henez

Make-up: Szilvia Ipacs

Lighting: Máté Vajda

Sound: András Horváth

Concept: FrenÁk

Choreography: R_Company


Celebrating a career of 40 years, Pál Frenák prepares a production for the Bartók Spring in which he will evoke iconic elements of his œuvre. FrenÁk adheres to the strategy of asking questions, probing this time the secrets that make the essence of a man, or more broadly, of man. The real challenge is to find the points where the elements that inspire, the creator’s related sensations, and the associations of the audience meet indirectly, and to enable the interaction of organic forms of movement with the snatches of sound and acoustic sensations that are based on decays, thumps and pulsations.

The performance is not recommended for audiences under the age of 18.

This performance of the Bartók Spring is presented by Müpa Budapest as a joint event with Company FrenÁk.

Supporters: National Cultural Fund, Ministry of Human Capacities

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