
Fierstein-Herman: Az Őrült Nők Ketrece

Fierstein-Herman: Az Őrült Nők Ketrece

From June, 2016, the musical “La Cage aux Folles” by Jerry Herman and Harvey Fierstein is being brought not only to the Hungarian public but to the foreign audience residing in Hungary, too: the producers, Kultúrbrigád and Átrium Film-Színház provide English supertitles to the show.

Nincs aktuális előadás

Ön egy múltbeli eseményre keresett rá. Kérjük, válogasson aktuális kínálatunkból a keresőjében!

Last event date: Sunday, July 09 2017 7:30PM

La Cage aux Folles is a place where everyone can be what they are. Or what they want to be. But what if you cannot show what you truly are? Faith, hope, love, work, family, country, yesterday, today, tomorrow, me, you – and us together.

Not suitable for children under 15. Supertitles projected just above the stage. In order to see the supertitles, we recommend to buy ticket for seats in back rows (7–11) or on the circle.

Next performances of Kultúrbrigád & Átrium Film-Színház with English surtitles:


musical in two acts, in Hungarian language, with English surtitles

La Cage aux Folles is a place where everyone can be what they are. Or what they want to be. But what if you cannot show what you truly are? Faith, hope, love, work, family, country, yesterday, today, tomorrow, me, you – and us together.

Cast: András Stohl, Gábor Hevér, Balázs Benő Fehér, Tibor Fehér, László Józan, Balázs Mihályfi, Nóra Parti, Zsuzsa Hullan, Kata Bach, Szabolcs Fábián, Dániel Viktor Nagy, The Birdies and the Orchestra of La Cage

Directed by Róbert Alföldi

Not suitable for children under 15. Supertitles projected just above the stage! In order to see the supertitles, we recommend to buy ticket for seats in back rows (7-11). Performance length: 3 hours and 15 minutes, including one interval. Tickets are available in the ticket office of Átrium Film-Színház, online at 

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