Frenetic Dance
Johan Inger – William Forsythe – Hans van Manen – Sol León – Paul Lightfoot
Four one-act ballet in three parts
Johan Inger – William Forsythe – Hans van Manen – Sol León – Paul Lightfoot
Four one-act ballet in three parts
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Last event date: Sunday, May 12 2024 5:00PM
Johan Inger / Maurice Ravel – Arvo Pärt
Johan Inger
William Forsythe / Franz Schubert
"Agile, ethereal and precise." (Krisztina Horeczky, Tánckritika.hu)
Hans van Manen / Astor Piazzolla
Five Tangos is one of Hans van Manen’s best known and, deservedly, most popular works: superb music and dance combine to evoke a pulsing metropolis and a world of fiery and passionate instincts. Sometimes sultrily lethargic and other times set to accelerating tempos featuring virtuoso elements, this thrilling work plays with solo and group scenes to reveal the changing games of the individual and the community, the many faces and layers of love and attraction and a portrait of an era.
Sol León & Paul Lightfoot / P. Prado – A. Dominguez – E. Lecuona – R. Barretto – Trio Los Pancho
“Now in hindsight we realise that energy is everything. When we created Sad Case in 1998, so far in to Sol’s pregnancy, the hormones were jumping and emotions were high. It is these hormones of laughter, madness and the trepidation of the unknown ahead that are the umbilical chord of this work,” says the British Paul Lightfoot, thinking back to the origin of the ballet. He and his partner, the Spanish Sol León share credit for the performance’s choreography and set and costume designs. Up until 2020, León worked as artistic consultant and Lightfoot as artistic director for the Nederlands Dans Theater (NDT), where they were responsible for bringing about sixty creations, including Sad Case, which is undoubtedly one of the pillars of their work. In it, surprising movements set to Mexican mambo music reflect the ongoing search for the tension between the satirical and the serious. The Opera has long planned the staging of this irresistible modern piece for Hungarian audiences – and by way of it, the art of the world-famous Lightfoot.
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