
Milonga del Angel with live music! - January

Milonga del Angel with live music! - January

KATango improvisations - DJ Bartha Kat

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Last event date: Tuesday, January 03 2023 9:05PM

Milonga del Angel
Tuesday 03, January 2023

We are waiting for you personally at the location (Art's Harmony Studio) at the milonga!!! :)))

21.00 - 00.30 -  First Milonga del Angel in 2023 with DJ Bartha Kat, meanwhile with KATango improvisations
Or later- closing time depends on the people!

We look forward to seeing you - the organisers: Bartha Kat and Róbert Rózsafeke

If you like our committed passion of tango, please - DONATE US!
We welcome contributions for maintaining Art’s Harmony Studio and Milonga del Angel live music milonga.
Of course, this is not an expectation, we leave it to everyone's own discretion according to their possibilities.
Our bank account number: 11712004 - 22464626 (Art's Harmony Társaság)
or via PayPal:

Thank You!
(More information  at Art’s Harmony Studio (direct street entrance opposite Kis Salétrom Street) or on our facebook site or website.)
The organizers reserve the right to change the program!

Our offer

KÖZREMŰKÖDIK: Kriszta Kinga, Horváth István – ének, a Budapesti Filharmóniai Társaság Zenekara VEZÉNYEL: Dénes István, Liszt-díjas karmester AZ EST HÁZIGAZDÁJA: Mona Dániel zenetörténész

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