
Carmina Burana • Szegedi Kortárs Balett

Carmina Burana • Szegedi Kortárs Balett

We get an insight into the ritual-filled life of barbarian settlement trying to seek out a living on the ruins of a civilisation and fighting for survival, fighting with their fears, trying to live through all things fate brings on to them.  more

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Fate which sometimes brings good things, love, joy, and sometimes brings sadness or death. A girl whose life was meant to be short, can feel truly happy for a moment, when love makes her forget all bad things, and makes her believe in a life that can be different, can be better. But Fortune is fickle and cruel. She doesn’t care about the beauty of the moment. Living through disappointments, joys and fears we can learn much more about ourselves, our own fates and chances – about our own humanity.(Tamás Juronics)

Girl: Désirée Bazzani/Miriam Munno

Boy: Lotár Vincze

Death: Vencel Csetényi 


Performed by Szeged Contemporary Dance Company: Gergely Czár, Petra Bocsi, Róbert Kiss Róbert,Janka Nier, Diletta Ranuzzi, Francesco

Totaro, Diletta Savini, Letizia Melchiorre, Miriam Munno / Désirée Bazzani, Adrienn Nyeste, Csongor Füzesi, Giordana Marzocchi


Music: Carl Orff

Set: Tamás Juronics 

Costumes: Bianca Imelda Jeremias

Lighting: Ferenc Stadler

Company Director: András Pataki

Artistic Director: Tamás Juronics

Choreographed by Tamás Juronics


Supporters: Supporters: Local Government of Szeged County Seat, Szeged National Theatre, Tisza Volán, Novotel Hotel Szeged, NKA


Media supporters: Rádió88, Délmagyarország, Café PR Ltd., Marie Claire, Look Up, E-Press, Fidelio, Független Hírügynökség, Magyar Színházi Portál, Táncé


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