
Ruin PubCrawl Budapest

Ruin PubCrawl Budapest

Have you heard about the dark side of Budapest? A legendary nightlife where the city’s lights and music flows together creating a wild river of party-mood that fills up its archaic streets. The perfect introduction into this peculiar world is a carefully compiled pub crawl guided by professionals to make sure you get the best and most out of your…  more

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Last event date: Saturday, January 05 2019 9:30PM

Have you heard about the dark side of Budapest? A legendary nightlife where the city’s lights and music flows together creating a wild river of party-mood that fills up its archaic streets.

The perfect introduction into this peculiar world is a carefully compiled pub crawl guided by professionals to make sure you get the best and most out of your greatest evening in Budapest.

Kicking off at sundown, the tour will take you through the awakening nightlife into the surreal realm of its famous ruin-bars. These places, if you haven’t already knew are a local peculiarity, where abandoned historic buildings are transformed into post-apocalyptic-looking taverns and clubs with salvaged furniture and artwork made of scrapped material. Their distinct mood cannot truly be put into words one needs a first-hand experience to understand the appeal. And a first-hand experience you’ll have when delving under the surface in three of the (world’s) most famous ruin bars with us.

To guarantee a wild start, you’ll be our guest for a welcome shot in each venue. After the third pub visit, once you are ready for it, the unconcealed party city will unveil itself for you as we lead you into the favourite club of Budapest with an exclusive, no-queue entry.

Join some of the most experienced pub-crawl guides of Budapest and get a sense of the city’s uncanny spirit, then dance the night away!

What we have in store for you:

-The best pub crawl guides of Budapest
- The unique atmosphere of famous ruin bars
-Fun party crowd and new friends
- Skip the line entry into Budapest’ best club
-Free shots at all venues
-If you are up for it: party till sunup

Meeting time: 21:30
Meeting Point: Gate of the party district: Under the arcade on Madach Imre square.

Our offer

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