
The Attic

The Attic

a musical by Gábor Presser – Dusán Sztevanovity
director: György Böhm

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Last event date: Friday, May 31 2019 5:00PM

The Attic proved to be the greatest hit ever in the history of Hungarian musicals – since staged first in 1988, it has been continually performed in the theaters all over Hungary, also in Pécs National Theater living now over 100 performances. Its enjoyable music and scenic story can offer a perfect experience for foreigners, young and adult, as well.

The story is set in a messy attic where a young scientist, Rádiós is developing his supercomputer, Robinson. But all of a sudden, four ghosts appear in the attic looking for it already for centuries as this extraordinary place ’between land and sky’ serves as a port to a kind of otherworld called past-planet. That place of afterlife is the planet of memories and that of eternal beauty where only those can travel who are remembered on Earth by some. Findig the attic, the ghosts are now awaiting for Révész, the ferryman who is supposed to bring them to the past-planet. Révész finally arrives, unluckily, taking on the shape of a burgler, Barrabás which causes troublesome complications, especially due to the malicious janitor, Témüller. But fortunately there are some gracious people in the neighbourhood who – by their pure spirits – can see the ghosts, and are willing to help them to escape: a sweethearted old lady, Mamóka, and Süni, a young girl.

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