Search: bartók operafesztivál


A Szolnoki Szimfonikusok BARTÓK és HACSATURJÁN c. koncertjén közreműködik Amano Honoka, a Liszt Ferenc Zeneművészeti Egyetem zongora szólistaképzős hallgatója. Vezényel: Izaki Maszahiro fő-zeneigazgató.

Bartók Béla 1931-ben Barcelonában és Bilbaóban előadott műsora

The program presents three of the highest peaks of the string orchestra literature (hence the title of the concert). Grieg speaks the musical language of the 19th century, Britten and Bartók of the 20th. Grieg's work evokes the style and mood of an era long passed, while Britten dresses his own childhood genius in 'adult clothes’; his work is sweet and joyful. Bartók's Divertimento (although the title means 'entertainment') is a heartbreaking testament of the greatest tragedy of the 20th century, the outbreak of the Second World War.

A kubai mulatók forró, szivarfüstös éjszakáinak sztárja, a kubai nép elsőszámú kedvence, a HABANA SOCIAL CLUB zenekar a 2024-es világkörüli utolsó turnéjára kiegészült a világhírű Tropicana Club szólótáncosaival és így egy különleges műsorral várja mindazokat, akik egy igazi karibi élményre vágynak.

It is always a thrill to reflect on the fact that, even though the vast majority of Richard Wagner's oeuvre consists of his operas and music dramas, and the singers who perform in them on the world's top stages are exceptional artists, the most popular parts of these works, which can also be played independently, are the orchestral sequences.

There can hardly be imagined in our time a work that conveys a more important message to humanity, as it debates the possible fate of the earth, about threats to the natural environment than Götterdämmerung does. Perhaps there is still time for us to return the ring to the Rhinemaidens.

A rainbow of sounds from the orchestra, enigmatic dialogues and mysterious riddles. Not to mention a treacherous dwarf and a glorious young hero. Who after slaying a dragon and tasting its blood, is able to understand the prophetic singing of a bird. And then crosses through a wall of fire to discover both the woman who is his mate and, through his love for her, fear.

The Hungarian State Folk Ensemble's nativity programme counts down to the night of the birth of Jesus, with scenes that are sometimes comic and other times heart-warming.

The second evening of the Ring of the Nibelung tetralogy is the most popular of the four works: Die Walküre captivates audiences with deservedly beloved opera hits like Siegmund's Spring Song from Act 1 and, from the third act, the Ride of the Valkyries, as well as Wotan's Farewell and the Magic Fire Music.

Although Wagner's mature masterpiece, which he wrote after Tristan but before completing the Ring, is officially a comic opera and doesn't stint on entertainment, it is nevertheless much more complex, dealing with youth and old age, love and friendship, art and craft, as well as innovation and conservativism.

A nibelung gyűrűjében beteljesedő gigantikus színházi előadás a Rajna hűvös mélyén kezdődött, a folyó kincsét őrző sellők játékával, s az őket csalódottan bámuló Alberich, a nibelung hasztalan vágyakozásával. A szánalmasan csúf és a vízben esetlenül mozgó lény elkeseredésében könnyű prédájává vált a világ feletti uralom vonzásának, és a szerelmet fennhangon elátkozva elrabolta a Rajna kincsét.


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