Search: I. Zsámbéki Pünkösdi Fesztivál

The world premiere of László Dubrovay's dance drama Faust, the Damned took place at Müpa Budapest in 2016, as part of the Budapest Spring Festival. This large-scale production inspired by Goethe's masterpiece debuted on the main stage of the National Theatre of Pécs in the 2023/24 season, and will run again in 2024 at Müpa Budapest's Festival Theatre.

Muszáj-e a fiúnak az apa útját követni? Muszáj-e az apának a fiút irányítani?  Ki a hűséges és ki a hűtlen? És melyik családhoz? A közöshöz? A sajátjához?

Founded by Matthew Halsall, British Gondwana Records became one of the most significant jazz labels of the 2010s. In addition to its trumpet-playing creator, the label has also brought the world - and Budapest - performers of the calibre of Portico Quartet, Hania Rani, GoGo Penguin and Svaneborg Kardyb, not to mention Mammal Hands, who have released five albums since 2014 and will now make their first ever appearance in Hungary.

At the centre of David McVicar's delightfully spectacular staging of Tosca this time we have the Norwegian soprano Lise Davidsen, who in just a few short years has become one of New York's biggest opera stars, now irresistibly conquering us in the Italian repertoire as well.

Visky András többszörösen díjnyertes életregényének zenés, felolvasószínházi változata.

Kollár-Klemencz László és Háy János közös barangolása

The final Met broadcast of the 2024/25 season revisits Bartlett Sher's sparklingly alive Rossini production, this time conducted by Giacomo Sagripanti, who trained in the composer's native Pesaro.

When we hear the sounds of both a Guarneri and a Stradivarius emanating from a string quartet, this is often a good indication of the skill of the hands playing them.

A Tóték a Beregszászi Illyés Gyula Magyar Nemzeti Színház emblematikus előadása.

It could hardly be said that Zsigmond Móricz is an unknown figure in Hungarian literature. But to what extent does his image reflect the sheer diversity of his life's work? In recent decades, Zsófia Szilágyi's in-depth analysis of Móricz has done much to make the multifaceted nature of the author more accessible.

Családi történetek emberi hangra, dobokra és szaxofonra

A 16-year-old oriental princess with the voice of an Isolde: this was the perfectionist expectation Richard Strauss set for anyone portraying Salome, and now the South African soprano Elsa van der Heever, known for her portrayal of Elisabetta in the 2016 broadcast of Maria Stuarda, is about to prove she can pull it off.

This performance featuring a polished ensemble of Mozartian singers marks the Met debut of the talented young but already globally recognised German maestra Joana Mallwitz on the conductor's podium.

The subject matter is far from the only thing that promises to make this performance of Offenbach's last work for the stage so fantastic, as we will get to hear some wonderful singers when Bartlett Sher's captivating 2009 production of Tales of Hoffmann returns to the Met's series of HD transmissions.

A kongói-belga származású Marie Daulne Belgiumban alapította Zap Mama nevű zenekarát, és lett vele a világzenei színtér egyik korai sztárja.

LAKVAR was founded by two versatile musicians, the Hungarian-Bulgarian singer-songwriter and percussionist Hajnalka Péter, and the Georgian songwriter, guitarist and panduri player Zura Dzagnidze. Their album Fiction and Folklore, which was released last year, features a reappraisal of Balkan, Caucasus and Central European traditions blended with elements of jazz, pop and rock music.

Hungarian audiences may already be familiar with the belligerents of TaxiWars.

Spanish musician Andrea Motis is a thrilling talent, equally at home in jazz, classical music, funk and electronica.

With a personal approach yet also a passion that is obvious to all, Orsi Kozma will perform songs from Hungarian pop divas that have played a decisive role in both her own development and the formation of her musical tastes.

Bachtrack praised the Luxembourgish cellist Benjamin Kruithof, winner of the 2022 Enescu Competition, for his "noble, singing, beautiful” playing. Although it would be impossible to list his previous accolades here, just as one example: his first CD was nominated for the prestigious OPUS KLASSIK 2022 award in four categories.

A BBC Magazine ötcsillagos lemezkritikája szerint „intenzív kifejezéssel és roppant melegséggel” játszik tavaly megjelent debütáló albumán a muzikalitásával és színpadi jelenlétével is magával ragadó Matilda Lloyd, aki számos koncertje mellett mesterkurzusokat tart, podcast-sorozatot vezet, és Afrikában jótékonykodik.

A brácsás viccek ideje lejárt! Erre a sokoldalú francia-holland muzsikus, Sào Soulez Larivière az élő példa: szenvedélyes kamarazenész, új műveket mutat be és átiratokat készít, tanít a salzburgi Mozarteumban.

Aida, the greatest hit of the Met's HD broadcast series, will now return in Michael Mayer's dazzling brand new staging, in which we will also proudly get to watch our own Judit Kutasi in the role of Amneris.


Az ajándékutalvány, a rendszerében használható fel az elérhető programokra (színház, koncert, fesztivál, sport) történő jegyvásárláskor.

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