Concert, music

884 program

As a member of the Vienna Boys Choir, the young Austrian pianist Lukas Sternath got the chance to travel the world. After training in his home country, he is now studying with Igor Levit, who himself had the opportunity to introduce himself as a rising star eleven years ago.

The world-famous Latvian mezzo-soprano Elīna Garanča is one of the most sought-after opera singers of our time. Her vocal and acting abilities are celebrated by audiences all over the world, from Salzburg and Vienna to Paris and New York.

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HAYDN, ASIOLI, VIOTTI – DIEGO FASOLIS Ferencsik season ticket 1 Buy tickets
13 Event

BONIFAZIO ASIOLI: Symphony in F minor
GIOVANNI BATTISTA VIOTTI: Violin Concerto in A minor, No. 22, G. 97
JOSEPH HAYDN: Symphony No. 104 (D major “London”), Hob. I:104

Kelemen Barnabás évtizedek óta a magyar és a nemzetközi zeneélet ünnepelt művésze, aki szólistaként és kamaramuzsikusként világszerte sikereket arat. Számos verseny győztese, játékát díjnyertes hanglemezek - köztük a Bartók Új Sorozat CD-i - örökítették meg.

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HAYDN, MOZART, HUMMEL – MIHÁLY BERECZ Ferencsik season ticket 2 Buy tickets
13 Event

WOLFGANG AMADEUS MOZART: Symphony No. 32 in G major, K. 318
JOHANN NEPOMUK HUMMEL: Piano Concert No. 2 in A minor, Op. 85
JOSEPH HAYDN: Symphony No. 39 in G minor, Hob. I:39

A Dalszerelőműhely és az ISON bemutatja: TAYLOR SWIFT AKADÉMIA
Kétnapos swiftológia-kurzus Fazekas Gergely zenetörténész vezetésével

Giuseppe Verdi
Comic opera in three acts, in Italian, with Hungarian, English, and Italian subtitles

up to -25%
Fókuszban a koreográfusok: Timár Sándor és Molnár Péter Buy tickets
13 Event

A Hagyományok Háza előadás-sorozatában a színpadi néptáncművészet kiemelkedő koreográfusait állítjuk fókuszpontba, ezen az estén Timár Sándor és Molnár Péter lesz.

Erre a koncertre nem kell kiöltözni, nem tart órákig, cserébe barátságos és közvetlen a hangulat, amit még oldottabbá tesznek Fischer Iván szellemes kommentárjai az elhangzó művekről.

A magical meeting of two anniversaries on the Müpa Budapest stage: the Talamba Percussion Group is celebrating its 25th anniversary this year with a 21st-century arrangement of a piano cycle by Mussorgsky's piano cycle Pictures of an Exhibition as it turns 150 itself: following on the heels of Emerson, Lake & Palmer and Isao Tomita with their versions, they are presenting their own take on the 19th-century masterpiece, this one revised for percussion and electronica, and featuring DJ Bootsie.

Bartók: Táncszvit, BB 86
Gyöngyösi Levente: Világpremier
Csajkovszkij: 5. (e-moll) szimfónia, op. 64

Born into a family of musicians, the eerily talented American singer Veronica Swift has cut through the stages of her career like a hot knife through butter to release, at the age of 29, her eponymous sixth album, the one that best reflects the full diversity of her personality.

Badieh: Music from the Afghan-Iranian border - feat. Nasim Khushnawaz Sold out
13 Event

Formed out of the unlikely encounter between a Spanish musician/filmmaker who fell in love with the music of the Khorasan region - located around the modern border between Afghanistan and Iran - and a performer of Persian classical music, the duo known as Badieh followed up their brilliant 2021 debut album by bringing their interpretations of traditional Khorasan music to an even higher level - now as a trio.

Zeneakadémia Nagyterem Grandioso sorozat 2024/2025


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