Concert, music

422 program

Lugosi Ali (klarinét), Szüts Apor (zongora), Hornyák Balázs (fuvola), Duka Vilmos (nagybőgő), Mohai Bálint (fagott) és Tabányi Antal (hegedű) csillogtatja meg tehetségét.

Kocsis-Holper Zoltán doktori koncertje a Kodály Kórussal

Reformed Hymns XXI Sold out
13 Event

Part of the 19th Reformed Music Festival

Klasszikus művek, filmzenék, izgalmas adaptációk, főszerepben a CSELLÓ!

Egyfelvonásos opera, koncertszerű előadás

Az idén 10 éve megújult Várkert Bazár jubileumi kulturális évadát egy háromnapos művészeti fesztivállal ünnepeljük, amellyel az újranyitás óta eltelt tíz év kulturális sokszínűségét összegezzük.


„Mesterember vagyok. Komponálás közben mindig gyaluforgácsszagot érzek a zongora mellett.” A 2023/24-es évad zeneszerzője, Orbán György fogalmazta meg ekként zeneszerzői hitvallását egy interjúban, arra utalva, hogy számára a zeneszerzés elsősorban munka és szolgálat, miként az 1800 előtti zeneszerzők számára is az volt.

Organ Grinder's Suite, paying homage to the relevant trios of the genre, earned critical acclaim and the trio is regularly perfoming its material. In the meantime they already started to work on new compositions, thus the audience of Opus already can hear some of these on the present concert.

Francia és magyar kortárs művek

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Aude Extrémo áriaestje - Concerto Budapest 23/24 V2 Buy tickets
13 Event

Aude Extrémo áriaestje

Vezényel: Vashegyi György

András Áron & the Black Circle Orchestra / HEY JUNE! Sold out
13 Event

András ‘Apey' Áron is one of the most well-known and most versatile songwriter-performers and bandleaders in Hungary. His name might be familiar from his work in the acclaimed, influential Hungarian rock and metal bands LAZARVS, Apey & the Pea, Trillion and - many years ago - Neck Sprain.

Formed in the spring of 2020, this trio brings together the talents of pianist Sámuel Baló, bassist Márk Miskolczi, and drummer Ambrus Richter. With a shared passion for spontaneity and creativity whilst searching for sincerity and energy in music, they captivate audiences with their dynamic performances, individual compositions and on the spot music-making.

The singer, songwriter and producer Zsófia Szigeti released her first track in 2020 under the name of Solére, and quickly became a popular performer of contemporary Hungarian pop music. Her melodic, electronic pop music also found its way to radio, and her initial hits were followed by a 16-track debut album in 2022, IMA.

A MazsiMÓ GipsyMÓ garantálja a jó hangulatot és a lendületes, tüzes zenét.

The duo of singer and guitarist Soma Nóvé, well-known in Hungary from the bands Middlemist Red and Mordái, and Dániel Riederauer, an electronics and bass guitar player, first performed as Samurai Drive in 2019.

Pianist-composer Lóránt Péch founded his trio in 2023 with the aim of performing his own compositions in combo arrangements.

Dániel Váczi exploits the potential of this new instrument with his trio.

The world-famous Danish baritone Bo Skovhus probably secured his place in the hearts of the Müpa Budapest audience forever when, in a 2013 production of Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg, he was forced to take the stage while suffering from a painful knee problem, yet still managed to incorporate his resulting compromised ability to walk into his unforgettable portrayal.

Each member of the band is also an accomplished soloist, Fusion Circus' concerts are an exciting blend of colours and rhythms, a fusion of sounds.

The concert programme will be largely defined by individual yet authentic interpretations of standards and the blues world, offering a real treat and a great experience for fans of the genre.

Bartók Béla 1931-ben Barcelonában és Bilbaóban előadott műsora

For over 20 years Grencsó and Jordan have savored their international connection. From the early performances together at Gödör at Deák tér, Jelen near Blaha Lujza tér, and Trafó in Budapest, they have inspired each other into a whirlwind of improvisation.

Izgalmas kamarakoncert-sorozatot hirdet a Budapest Bach Consort a 2023/2024-es évadra.


Az ajándékutalvány, a rendszerében használható fel az elérhető programokra (színház, koncert, fesztivál, sport) történő jegyvásárláskor.

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