Concert, music

1140 program

IVÁN TÍMEA, hegedű
BANDA PÁL, cselló

THE POWER OF SOLACE -  Łukaszewski / Penderecki / H.M. Górecki / Brahms - L/6 Buy tickets
13 Event

The Arthur Rubinstein Philharmonic Chorus, from Łódź in central Poland, was founded in 1969 and now brings a less familiar piece of its rich repertoire to the Hungarian audience. There is hardly a Polish composer who has not made a mark in the genre of sacred music: this is true of the composer brothers Paweł and Marcin Łukaszewski, who both are in their fifties, as well as of two icons of modern music, Penderecki and Górecki. Finally, our orchestra's concert, conducted by Róbert Farkas, will feature a piece of Christian music, which was written by its composer in his mother tongue to the verses of the Bible: A German Requiem. We also know that Brahms preferred to use the adjective 'human' for his requiem, which this time features the talented young soprano singer Natália Tuznik and the German baritone Holger Falk, equally at home in the theatre and opera genres.

Budafoki Dohnányi Zenekar
Vezényel: Hontvári Gábor

Rossini: Il barbiere di Siviglia  The Met: Live in HD at Müpa Budapest Sold out
13 Event

The final Met broadcast of the 2024/25 season revisits Bartlett Sher's sparklingly alive Rossini production, this time conducted by Giacomo Sagripanti, who trained in the composer's native Pesaro.

The final Met broadcast of the 2024/25 season revisits Bartlett Sher's sparklingly alive Rossini production, this time conducted by Giacomo Sagripanti, who trained in the composer's native Pesaro.

A nemzeti összetartozás napja alkalmából egyedülálló összművészeti programra kerül sor a Karmelitában: a Kárpát-medence kincseit bemutató képi-zenei utazáson Kaiser Ottó képeit a világ egyik legtöbbet foglalkoztatott és legsokoldalúbb cimbalomművészének, Lukács Miklósnak a zenéje kíséri.

up to -20%
Concertino: Haydn, C. P. E. Bach, Janáček Buy tickets
13 Event

Joseph Haydn: Symphony No. 35 in B-flat major, Hob. I:35
Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach: Cello Concerto No. 1 in A minor, H. 432
Leoš Janáček: Idyll, JW 6/3

Beethoven: IX. (d-moll) szimfónia, op. 125

After four concerts in 2023, János Mátyás Stark, Gergely Devich, and Fülöp Ránki are announcing a new series at the BMC, now under the name of Trio Haris. The series will conclude with works by two closely related geniuses of romantic chamber music.

A Karmelita-koncertek záró hangversenyén a Prima Primissima és Liszt-díjas zongoraművész, Érdi Tamás lép színpadra, aki Liszt, Bartók és Kodály műveiből állított össze különlegesen szép programot.

Minden idők legnagyobb tömegeket elérő magyar klasszikus zenei produkciója 2025 nyarán újra Tokajban látható.


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