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A Fertőrákosi Barlangszínházban számos nagysikerű operaelőadás valósulhatott meg az elmúlt évtizedekben. Második éve a Soproni Ünnepi Hetek keretében operastúdió is működik, ahol fiatal pályakezdő énekesek nemzetközileg elismert mesterektől tanulhatnak. A Dohnányi teremben az Opera Stúdió Sopron ifjú szólistái mutatkoznak be ismert operák népszerű jeleneteivel, áriáival.

A zenetörténet első operának aposztrofált művét, Orfeusz alvilági utazásának történetét a Mezítlábas Opera társulata adja elő.

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Concert format opera performance in three acts, with two intermissions, in Italian

up to -30%
BELLINI: Il PIRATA Opera season ticket 1 Buy tickets

Concert-format opera performance in two acts, with one intermission, in Italian

up to -30%
THOMAS: PSYCHÉ Opera season ticket 2 Buy tickets

Concert-format opera performance in three acts, with one intermission, in French

Please note that the auditorium is closed for visits during rehearsals. Guided tours are not available during performances.

A 60-minute tour starts every day at 13:30, 15:00 and 16:30 in English. To request a tour in other languages (Italian, Spanish, German, French and Hungarian), please get in touch with the OperaTour team. Please note that the auditorium is closed for visits during rehearsals. Guided tours are not available during performances.

A 60-minute tour starts every day at 13:30, 15:00 and 16:30 in English. To request a tour in other languages (Italian, Spanish, German, French and Hungarian), please get in touch with the OperaTour team. Please note that the auditorium is closed for visits during rehearsals. Guided tours are not available during performances.

A 60-minute tour starts every day at 13:30, 15:00 and 16:30 in English. To request a tour in other languages (Italian, Spanish, German, French and Hungarian), please get in touch with the OperaTour team. Please note that the auditorium is closed for visits during rehearsals. Guided tours are not available during performances.

A 60-minute tour starts every day at 13:30, 15:00 and 16:30 in English. To request a tour in other languages (Italian, Spanish, German, French and Hungarian), please get in touch with the OperaTour team. Please note that the auditorium is closed for visits during rehearsals. Guided tours are not available during performances.

A 60-minute tour starts every day at 13:30, 15:00 and 16:30 in English. To request a tour in other languages (Italian, Spanish, German, French and Hungarian), please get in touch with the OperaTour team. Please note that the auditorium is closed for visits during rehearsals. Guided tours are not available during performances.

A 60-minute tour starts every day at 13:30, 15:00 and 16:30 in English. To request a tour in other languages (Italian, Spanish, German, French and Hungarian), please get in touch with the OperaTour team. Please note that the auditorium is closed for visits during rehearsals. Guided tours are not available during performances.


Az ajándékutalvány, a rendszerében használható fel az elérhető programokra (színház, koncert, fesztivál, sport) történő jegyvásárláskor.

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