Concert, music, Jazz / Blues

63 program

The 80-year-old jazz pianist Kenny Barron is not a legend of the genre simply because of his age, or the fact that he played in Dizzy Gillespie's band for an extended period in the 1960s.

In this unusual trio without a drummer, the role of different instruments is in a constant change during performances. After their successful debut album, the band released Have No Fear in 2020. Like the previous album, it is characterized by a delicately woven spirit and the duality of meditation and volcanic outbursts.

Dee Dee Bridgewater's career is now in its sixth decade, and while she says she's put in a lot of work to find herself, there's no doubt that the jazz world sees her as an institution.

In almost every biography of the group's career, you can read that Quincy Jones has called them the "the baddest vocal cats on the planet”. This opinion would probably be shared by Ray Charles, Ella Fitzgerald and Whitney Houston, all of whom worked alongside Take 6.

Behind the ‘pop music in a time machine' concept are arrangements of familiar contemporary pop hits and golden-oldies that are swinged-, jazzed- and doo-wopped-up before being planted in Motown-sounding soul. This simple but wonderful idea is one that works perfectly.

On this November evening, the guitarist Mike Gotthard, who is equally receptive to the music of jazz, blues, rock and funk, will invite the audience into his own jazz-rock world where the instruments and melodies take centre stage.

The grand dame of Afro and Latin jazz in Hungary enchants audiences not only with her unbridled energy, but also with her captivatingly open, direct personality, full of joie de vivre. Her style combines traditional Cuban singing, bebop and improvisation, and her repertoire is complex in rhythm and melody.

It is no secret that Swedish double bass player Anders Jormin and American drummer Joey Baron are two of 2024/25 Artist of the Season Ferenc Snétberger's favourite musical partners.

Az évad művésze, Snétberger Ferenc koncertsorozatának első estjére vadonatúj mű ősbemutatójával készül. Movements című háromtételes darabjában zeneszerzőként és virtuóz szólistaként is remekel.

Born into a family of musicians, the eerily talented American singer Veronica Swift has cut through the stages of her career like a hot knife through butter to release, at the age of 29, her eponymous sixth album, the one that best reflects the full diversity of her personality.

The first edition of Jazz Side Story led to two consecutive sold-out shows at the Festival Theatre in 2018. Now, Nikoletta Szőke, Bálint Gájer and their musical associates are raising the stakes.

The evening's programme will be shaped by personal impressions from progressive jazz, classical and contemporary music, reflecting the performers' diverse sources of experience.

The legendary American jazz drummer Brian Blade (Chick Corea, Joshua Redman, Bill Frisell) is both a familiar face in Hungary and also a highly sought-after performer in pop circles, having played with many of the greats, including Joni Mitchell and Bob Dylan. Blade has performed in Hungary on many occasions, including in a trio alongside Norah Jones.

Gitár a kézben, egy pohár bor az asztaloknál: színház + kávézó + közösség!

Organ Grinder's Suite, paying homage to the relevant trios of the genre, earned critical acclaim and the trio is regularly perfoming its material. In the meantime they already started to work on new compositions, thus the audience of Opus already can hear some of these on the present concert.

Formed in the spring of 2020, this trio brings together the talents of pianist Sámuel Baló, bassist Márk Miskolczi, and drummer Ambrus Richter. With a shared passion for spontaneity and creativity whilst searching for sincerity and energy in music, they captivate audiences with their dynamic performances, individual compositions and on the spot music-making.

A collection of short pieces ranging from wide soundscapes to carefully crafted melodies, small and refined instrumental pieces with an improvised dimension that suggest real life stories but leaves enough space for the listener to wander.

Egyedülálló zenei csemege, különleges helyszínen! A pesti éjszakák legendás kávézói és mulatói egykor kimagasló előadókat léptettek fel, közöttük a később világhírűvé vált zongoraművészt, Cziffra Györgyöt, akinek az emléke előtt a mostani verseny tiszteleg.

Pianist-composer Lóránt Péch founded his trio in 2023 with the aim of performing his own compositions in combo arrangements.

Dániel Váczi exploits the potential of this new instrument with his trio.

Each member of the band is also an accomplished soloist, Fusion Circus' concerts are an exciting blend of colours and rhythms, a fusion of sounds.

The concert programme will be largely defined by individual yet authentic interpretations of standards and the blues world, offering a real treat and a great experience for fans of the genre.

For over 20 years Grencsó and Jordan have savored their international connection. From the early performances together at Gödör at Deák tér, Jelen near Blaha Lujza tér, and Trafó in Budapest, they have inspired each other into a whirlwind of improvisation.

Nyári Károly az ország legismertebb énekes zongoristája 2024. június 20-án 19:00 órai kezdettel különleges koncerttel várja a közönséget Keszthelyen a Balaton Színházban.

The Piastrella Trio their repertoire is predominantly influenced by fusion and modern jazz music, and the young musicians are inspired by great composers such as Chick Corea, Keith Jarrett, and Jesus Molina.

The band is currently working on their latest album, on which Milán will be the guest again, so in addition to the quartet's best-known songs, this concert will also offer an insight into the material of the album to be released this autumn.

The second album of Bendegúz Varga's band, Chasing Your Dreams, released on Tom-Tom Records, is the follow-up to Goldmund, with perhaps an even more sophisticated sound and a clearer commitment to experimental contemporary jazz.

Mário Rafael is one of the most talented pianists of the young generation of Hungarian jazz. The music of his trio transcends stylistic categories, and in their compositions collective improvisation plays a major role alongside lyrical melodies.

The quartet's performance is a curiosity on the Hungarian jazz scene. Their intense and characterful musical world is elevated to an even higher level by their dynamism and creativity, which is enhanced by the exciting compositions of László Vörös, the virtuosic vibraphone solos of Richárd Szaniszló, the melodic bass playing of Ádám Bögöthy and the complex and colourful rhythms of Tamás Hidász.

Zsigmond Gerlóczy, a twenty-eight-year-old pianist from Budapest, is a versatile, inquisitive musician.

Romhányi Áron eMeRTon, többszörös Fonogram-díjas zongorista, Artisjus díjas zeneszerző, valamint Szakonyi Milán Fonogram-díjra jelölt énekes- gitáros estje a két művész rendkívül sokszínű zenei életútjának kivonata. Új és régi saját dalok, és régi magyar slágerek virtuóz, "bárzenei hangulatú" előadása várható - egy pici modern csavarral.

Raquel Kurpershoek Jaldón, born in 1998, became known after winning talent contests from 2016. She learned Cuban, Brazilian, and Indian music in Rotterdam and flamenco singing in Spain. She also studied sign language. In 2020, her documentary Traslasierra about flamenco and the deaf won awards internationally.

The lineup of Vito Szelevényi's recently formed quartet may give the impression of a rather traditional jazz band. Although their music draws heavily from the jazz tradition, it cannot ultimately be categorised so simply.


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